Lite Intensive & Part-time Courses

Meet other friendly learners from Azabujuban, Tokyo
Maximum of 8 people

*You can purchase a lesson package at the section below.


Improve your Japanese and achieve natural fluency in Japanese speaking ability — without compromising your commitments and schedule. Our lite intensive and part-time Japanese course allows students to learn Japanese once or twice a week at their convenient time slot. From beginner to upper-advanced, courses are strategically designed to help students communicate in Japanese effectively for work or everyday life. 

We limit our class to up to eight students. Putting a focus on a fun and casual atmosphere in our learning environment, the small-sized class makes students feel at least and encourages community learning. You will feel more at ease, gain confidence in speaking and even make new friends. 

All lessons can be taken remotely at home or office as a dispatch. 

Lite Intensive and Part-time Class Details

Class Size: Max 8 students (average students per class: 3-6 students)

We view ourselves as your study partner, rather than a Japanese instructor. To this, we want to enrich our students’ lives by teaching practical and applicable language skills. We also believe in the importance of community learning. You will connect with like-minded international residents in Tokyo — and even discuss similar passions and topics of interest. 

Depending on the level and focus, morning and evening classes are available. 

Recommended for

• Professional workers and individuals who cannot commit to the full-time intensive courses every day due to work or other commitments.
• International residents living in Azabujuban (or surrounding Tokyo areas) who want to learn Japanese in a more casual and relaxed atmosphere
• Students who want to meet new people, form connections and make new friends.
• Students who feel motivated when they study in a group.


Lite intensive and part-time Japanese courses that fit your schedule and needs


Lite Intensive Japanese Course in Azabujuban, Tokyo



Lite Intensive Beginner B1-B6

This is where students transition from beginner Japanese. Kanji and more complex (albeit still foundational) grammar will be introduced. You will be able to have a simple conversation about future and past happenings using basic Japanese verbs and adjectives.

To join this course, reading ability in hiragana and katakana is required. 

Lite intensive beginner 1

Schedule: 24 sessions 
Material: Genki 1 (third edition), chapter 1–5 

Lite intensive beginner 2

Schedule: 32 sessions
Material :  Genki 1 (third edition), chapter 6–9 |  Genki 1 Workbook (third edition)

Lite intensive beginner 3

Schedule: 24 sessions
Material : Genki 1 (third edition), chapter 10-12 | Genki 1 Workbook (third edition)

Lite intensive beginner 4

Schedule: 24 sessions
Material : Genki 2 (third edition), chapter 13-16 | Genki 2 Workbook (third edition)

Lite intensive beginner 5

Schedule: 24 sessions
Material: Genki 2 (third edition), chapter 17–20 | Genki 2 Workbook (third edition)

Lite intensive beginner 6

Schedule: 24 sessions
Material : Genki 2 (third edition), chapter 21–23 | Genki 2 Workbook (third edition)



Lite Intensive Intermediate I1-I5

You will further develop your proficiency in the Japanese language. You will be conditioned to have a natural feel in speaking Japanese through practice talks and further expand your knowledge with real-world scenarios.

Lite intensive intermediate 1

Schedule: 12 sessions
Material:  Weekly J

Lite intensive intermediate 2

Schedule: 12 sessions
Material: Weekly J

Lite intensive intermediate 3

Schedule: 24 sessions
Material:  『中級へ行こう』 『日本語総まとめN3漢字』 | Original materials 

Lite intensive intermediate 4

Schedule: 24 sessions
Material:  『中級へ行こう』 『日本語総まとめN3漢字』 | Original materials 

Lite intensive intermediate 5

Schedule: 24 sessions
Material:  『中級へ行こう』 『日本語総まとめN3漢字』 | Original materials



Lite Intensive Advanced A1-A5

Lite intensive Advanced 1

Schedule: 24 sessions
Material:  中級を学ぼう 中級前期(緑)→中期(青) 日本語総まとめN2漢字

Lite intensive Advanced 2

Schedule: 24 sessions
Material:  中級を学ぼう 中級前期(緑)→中期(青) 日本語総まとめN2漢字

Lite intensive Advanced 3

Schedule: 24 sessions
Material:  中級を学ぼう 中級前期(緑)→中期(青) 日本語総まとめN2漢字

Lite intensive Advanced 4

Schedule: 24 sessions
Material:  中級を学ぼう 中級前期(緑)→中期(青) 日本語総まとめN2漢字

Lite intensive Advanced 5

Schedule: 24 sessions
Material: Cotoオリジナル教材 日本語総まとめN2漢字


Part-time Japanese Course in Azabujuban, Tokyo


Practical Japanese for Beginners (PJ)

You will start by learning the fundamentals of the Japanese language, which you can immediately implement for everyday use. You will study the necessary vocabulary for time and places, as well as basic grammar. The class uses Coto’s original textbook, Nihongo Fun & Easy. After years of research and development, our textbook is proven to improve students’ Japanese speaking ability at a faster pace.

By the end of this course, you will be able to create simple sentences in Japanese by yourself. 

Material: Nihongo Fun & Easy    



Active Basic Grammar A (ABA) 

The most essential grammar and how to use verbs by learning conjugation. This will form the foundation of your Japanese and allow you to get to a level where you can use Japanese freely.

Material : Nihongo Fun & Easy 2 

Active Basic Grammar B (ABB) 

Improve your speaking skills by learning basic conjugated forms and useful sentence patterns for daily conversation.

Material : Nihongo Fun & Easy 2



Topic Conversation for Beginners (Only Minato)

A conversation practice course that covers topics such as “food” or “shopping” and introduces related vocabulary and sentences.

Material : Original Handouts



Conjugation Level-up (CJ)

Enhance conversational skills and gain confidence with drills and speaking training. Ideal for those needing help vocalizing correct sentence patterns.

Material : Original Handouts



Conversation Level-up (CV)

This course is for students who previously joined the Conjugation Level Up Course. It is recommended for students who want to practice conversing in Japanese naturally.

Material : Original Handouts


Essential Grammar and Conversation A (EG-A)

You’ll be able to convey your wishes, study assumptive expressions and describe your opinions or actions more accurately.

Material: Original Handouts

Essential Grammar and Conversation B (EG-B)

Improve your speaking skills through learning emotional expressions and sharing your opinions and reasons.

Material: Original Handouts

Intermediate (JLPT N4-N3)

Bridge to Intermediate

This course focuses on a total review of the most important basic sentence patterns, improving vocabulary for a variety of daily situations, and building longer sentences through combinations. The class is for students to apply and make the most of these abilities. 

Material: Weekly J


Intermediate (JLPT N3-N2)

Natural and Fluent Japanese 1 (NF1)

Learn complex grammar points and vocabulary for N3 level and use them to understand others’ opinions and describe others.

Material: Original Handouts


Intermediate (JLPT N3-N2)

Japanese for Communication (Only Minato)

Standalone lessons students can join at anytime, focusing on vocabulary, phrases, and expressions based on daily topics, enhanced through practice and role-playing.

Material: Original Handouts


Intermediate (JLPT n2)

Topic Conversation for Intermediates (Only Minato)

You will be able to continue conversations on a variety of topics (i.e., be able to ask questions)!

Material : Original Handouts



Natural and Fluent Japanese 2 (NF2)

The goal of this course is to expand your vocabulary and freely use it in numerous sentence patterns that sound nuanced and natural. You will be ready to converse smoothly in a variety of situations. You will have the ability to express yourself through more complex sentence structures and niche vocabulary (24 sessions).

Material: Original handouts



Explanation in Japanese for Upper Intermediate Students (EJ-U)

A topic-based course where you can learn new ways to explain and describe things more effectively.

Material: Original handouts



Read and Discuss the News for Upper Intermediate Students

Learn various expressions by engaging with current Japanese news and social media articles and discussing diverse topics like politics and culture.



Business Japanese 1 (BJ1)

Learn formal expressions and workplace vocabulary, ideal for current or aspiring professionals in Japan seeking to enhance business communication skills.

Material: にほんごで働く! ビジネス日本語30時間

Business Japanese 2 (BJ2)

Master the art of communication in the Japanese business world! This course equips you with essential vocabulary and phrases for a variety of situations, ensuring you can confidently use common formal expressions and make a strong impression from the start.

Material: 人を動かす! 実践ビジネス日本語会話【中級1】


Advanced Japanese (JLPT N2-N1)

Explanation in Japanese for Advanced Students (EJ-A)

A topic-based course where you can learn new ways to explain and describe things more effectively.

Material: Original handouts


Advanced Japanese (JLPT N2-N1)

Read and Discuss the News for Advanced Students (RD-A)

Learn various expressions by engaging with current Japanese news and social media articles and discussing diverse topics like politics and culture.

Material: Original handouts


Preparation Course (JLPT n1-n3)

JLPT Full-year Course (N3-N1 Grammar&Reading)

This program offers both grammar and reading comprehension classes with a flexible start date. In grammar, students work through one textbook over a year, solidifying their foundation. Reading comprehension utilizes two different textbooks per year, with practice answering comprehension questions. Both classes provide interactive learning with the instructor, allowing for questions, and the grammar class even incorporates writing exercises to solidify understanding of new sentence structures.

Material: 日本語総まとめ N3 文  /  日本語総まとめ N2 文法  /  日本語総まとめ N1 文法



Course Fees:

• Lite Intensive Courses

Monthly Subscription
16 lessons: ¥36,800 (valid 1 month)

• Part-Time Lessons

Package Plan
16 lessons: ¥43,200  (valid for 6 months)
32 lessons: ¥83,200  (valid for 8 months)
48 lessons: ¥120,000  (valid for 12 months)
96 lessons:  ¥230,400  (valid for 14 months)

Monthly Subscription
8 lessons: ¥20,000  (valid for 1 month)
16 lessons: ¥36,800  (valid for 1 month)
24 lessons: ¥50,400  (valid for 1 month)

*1 lesson = 50 minutes

Additional ¥10,000 registration fee for new students.


Interested in our courses?

Get in touch and let us know how we can help you achieve your study goals. We'll invite you over for a tour of the school and a free level check.


  • 03-6809-4880