Coto Club Blog

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  • Japanese Sake Workshop 7/27

    Learn the Basics of Japanese Rice Wine (Sake)! ​We will be holding a Japanese Sake Workshop to learn the basics of Japanese rice wine on Saturday, July 27th. The workshop will begin with an introduction by Yamazaki san, a sake ... read more

  • 16 Common Japanese Superstitions

      1. 四 (し/よん):The Number "4" There are two ways of saying "4" in Japanese--"yon" and "shi". However, "shi" has the same pronunciation as "Death" in Japanese so anything relating "4" are avoided in Japan like "the fourth... read more

  • Sumo Tournaments: your ticket guide to Japan’s national sport

    相撲 (sumou)  is a sport unique to Japan with a long history, beginning in the Heian period from 794 to 1192. The sport was created as entertainment for the imperial family. Sumo then persisted until it became the national sport of Jap... read more

  • Japanese Counters

    Did you know that Japanese speakers change the way they count based on what they're counting? You may already know how to count in Japanese, but there's more to it than "ichi, ni, san". This ... read more

  • Japanese Flower Seasons

    Japan is not only famous for its futuristic cities but also its natural beauty. Every year, hundreds of Flower Festivals are held throughout the country. The most celebrated flower is the Cherry "Sakura" Flower. However, that only takes... read more

  • A Simple Guide to Drink Sizes in Japan

    If you are at a coffee shop and would like to get a medium sized latte, how do you ask? Japan has a sizing system specific to fo... read more

  • How to Write a Business Email in Japanese

    Being able to hold a conversation in Japanese on the phone takes many years of practicing. However, as an expat in Japan, the easiest way to communicate with Japanese friends, colleagues, or your landlord is through emails. Japan has many custo... read more

  • Transport Tips – Money saving ideas for getting around Tokyo

    Is it your first time visiting Tokyo? Then you probably have questions about how to get around. Over the course of your stay travel costs can add up, especially if you mean to see all Tokyo has to offer. So what's the most cost-... read more

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